Virtual Worlds

Virtual Worlds
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Error message

  • User warning: The following module is missing from the file system: matomo. For information about how to fix this, see the documentation page. in _drupal_trigger_error_with_delayed_logging() (line 1156 of /var/www/html/includes/
  • Warning: Declaration of S3fsStreamWrapper::register(Aws\S3\S3ClientInterface $client, $protocol = 's3', ?Aws\CacheInterface $cache = NULL) should be compatible with Aws\S3\StreamWrapper::register(Aws\S3\S3ClientInterface $client, $protocol = 's3', ?Aws\CacheInterface $cache = NULL, $v2Existence = false) in include_once() (line 28 of /var/www/html/sites/all/modules/s3fs/
  • User deprecated function: This installation of the SDK is using PHP version 7.4.10, which will be deprecated on January 13th, 2025. Please upgrade your PHP version to a minimum of 8.1.x to continue receiving updates for the AWS SDK for PHP. To disable this warning, set suppress_php_deprecation_warning to true on the client constructor or set the environment variable AWS_SUPPRESS_PHP_DEPRECATION_WARNING to true. More information can be found at: in Aws\ClientResolver::emitDeprecationWarning() (line 1409 of /var/www/html/sites/all/libraries/awssdk/Aws/ClientResolver.php).
Communicate naturally, collaborate, share media and much more using 3D virtual spaces.
Rutgers Virtual Worlds is a virtual collaboration platform that runs in your device browser.
Immerse Yourself into Virtual Worlds. Try it Now!

Rutgers GRID Virtual Worlds

Easily create private, multiplayer, cross platform, browser based virtual worlds.


Fully Customized Worlds

Work with Rutgers GRID to help you dream, design, and create your own virtual worlds.



Get access to SPOKE, the online editing tool that allows you to create and publish your own virtual worlds.


Private Network

Create, browse, and access other virtual worlds hosted on our private network.


Share Media

Bring and share images, videos, 360 spheres, live feeds, links, 3d objects, pdfs, audio files, and more into the virtual worlds.


Express Yourself

Customize your avatar. Communicate with voice and text chat. Use tools to draw in space. Emote using 3D emojis!


Pioneering the future

Accessing, creating, and sharing the virtual worlds experience has never been easier. Let's work together to innovate and improve education.